Rise of the Moderns Wiki
Faction Overview Strategic Overview CtW Information Tech Tree

Unique units[]

  • White elephants [1-2] => Royal elephants [3-4] these are normally stronger than normal elephant units
  • Armed supply, caravans and merchants
  • Ribaud [?] fires a volley of rockets at the foe!
  • Ayuthia Guard [1], Thonburi guard [2] Heavy infantry units, consumed by Mahardlek Laikar - one is armed with spears, while the other is armed with swords.
  • Javelins [1] => Heavy javelins [2]
  • canoes, outriggers and barges.
  • Mahardlek Laikar [3], musket unit that replaces the Thonburi guard. Consumes Wealth like Auxiliaries, eventually consumed by Marines
  • Pack elephants


Unique buildings[]

  • Nobles' Court - trains your elite units, such as white elephants, and the Ayuthia Guard.
  • Temple - performs taxation and religion research, and is the main stopping point for your auxiliary units.
  • Palace Complex (available from [1])